A dirty refrigerator can cause unpleasant smells in the kitchen as well as contaminate your food.
It can also stink up the home if left unattended for too long. So, it is essential to schedule cleaning days for your refrigerator.
Nowadays, every homeowner knows they should keep their fridge clean. But what they may not know is how often they should clean their refrigerator.
Cleaning a fridge at the right time keeps food in good condition and improves the equipment’s durability. In this article, we discuss the best time to clean your fridge and how to do this.
Cleaning a Refrigerator Daily
Indisputably, you do not have to deep clean your refrigerator daily. However, ensure that you dispose of any empty bottles in the fridge immediately you spot them.
Additionally, all containers with spills on their exterior surfaces should get cleaned immediately. Anytime you notice any dirty bottles or containers in the fridge, wash them.
Moreover, keep the surfaces of the refrigerator clean. Wipe them regularly to take care of small food particles that spill over the fridge.
Additionally, if you accidentally pour a drink on the refrigerator, wipe it immediately. Otherwise, you increase the chance of staining your refrigerator.
Do this with a clean kitchen cloth containing disinfectant. Remember, this is where you store most of your foods.
So, you want to keep the area free from any bacteria that can contaminate your foodstuffs. Additionally, note that raw liver or meat can leak fluids in the fridge.
Therefore, wrap and seal them in a plastic bag before putting them in the refrigerator.
Cleaning Your Refrigerator Every Week
Take some time to evaluate everything that is in the refrigerator. Do this at least once a week. You might end up noticing foodstuff that has stayed in the fridge for long periods.
Also, some of the drinks and snacks could have expired. This way, you will avoid stocking up your fridge with decayed food. In turn, your refrigerator will be free from unpleasant odor.
Food tends to decay after some time, even when in the fridge. Consequently, these foodstuffs are prone to harboring bacteria like mold.
The best thing to do would be to have a label indicating the expiry date of every food. But evaluating the fridge every week would be helpful.
While getting rid of rotten foodstuff, wipe the surfaces of the refrigerator with a clean cloth.
Maintain A Fresh Fridge Every Two Months With Baking Soda
Your refrigerator stores almost all types of food. At times the mixture of different odors can lead to unpleasant smells in the fridge.
One way to prevent this is to place a small container of baking soda in the refrigerator. Baking soda is good for taking in all food odors, thus maintaining a fresh fridge.
Replace the baking soda every sixty days. Fortunately, you do not have to discard baking soda. Use it to eliminate stubborn food particles when deep cleaning your fridge.
Deep Cleaning a Refrigerator Every 3 To 6 Months
It is advisable to conduct a deep cleaning procedure for your refrigerator at least once in four months.
This intense cleaning procedure involves turning off your refrigerator and taking everything out. Afterward, you should thoroughly clean all areas in the fridge and keep it dry.
Below are some of the detailed steps of deep cleaning a refrigerator:
Step 1 – First, get rid of all the food and drinks stored in the refrigerator. Do not worry about the perishable foodstuff.
Store them in a container full of ice. While doing this, pinpoint all the decayed and expired food and discard them.
Step 2- Remove all the drawers in the fridge. Some of them may require intense cleaning. So, soak them in warm water with disinfectant.
Do this especially for drawers that store meat and milk. Ensure that the drawers are utterly free from rancid odors.
Step 3 – Afterwards, clean the refrigerator doors and surfaces. Do this using a mixture of baking soda and water.
Step 4 – Rinse the refrigerator with a wet, clean fiber cloth.
Step 5 – Make sure the soaked drawers are clean. Rinse and dry them before placing them back in the refrigerator.
Step 6 – Once you finish cleaning the fridge’s interior surface, shut the fridge door, and thoroughly wipe the exterior surfaces.
Step 7 – Place a small container of baking soda in the fridge. Baking soda helps in preventing bad fridge odors.
Step 8 – When the refrigerator attains the right temperature, put back the fridge’s contents strategically.
You will want to place the items close to the expiration date nearer. This way, you will be able to consume them before they are no longer safe for use.
Cleaning After Six Months
After every six months, ensure you clean the condenser coil. This part of the fridge is vulnerable to dust and hair particles. So, depending on its condition, use a broom, soft brush, or vacuum cleaner to clean the condenser coil. As a result, your refrigerator will function well and have high durability.
Replace the Water Filter after Six Months
Another equipment you should replace after six months is the water filter.
Over time, the water filter becomes inefficient and can contaminate the water. So, do not use your water filter for more than six months.
Nevertheless, different refrigerator brands work differently. So, ask your manufacturer the best time to replace your water filter.
Alternatively, read and understand what is in the fridge manual.
The Bottom Line
Maintaining a clean refrigerator is not a walk in the park. Remember, you have the children to take care of, work to complete, and other house chores.
But it would help if you spare some time and make a habit of cleaning your refrigerator often. This way, you improve the refrigerator’s longevity and maximize its efficiency.
So, it is all worth it in the long run. After every three to four months, ensure you deep clean your refrigerator.
In between this time, wipe the refrigerator surfaces and discard any rotten food in the fridge. Ultimately, cleaning your refrigerator should be a continual process.